To access the report which details the warranty dates for printers (and to view corresponding transactions) go to:

  • Stock Management > Stock Reports > Serial Numbers Transaction Report
  • Enter selection criteria to be applied (e.g. item code/item group etc)
  • On the resulting report, ensure that 'Mfr Warranty Start' and 'Mfr Warranty End' dates are ticked and visible in form settings
  • You can then apply a filter to look at more specific warranty date ranges within the list (NB. in the filter options window choose 'Serial Numbers') then enter filter details to be applied e.g. Mfr End Date = In range = from and to date, then click on filter and OK

  • By selecting a serial number in the list, the corresponding transactions will be detailed in the lower half of the screen ('Serial Number Transaction Details'). This will show the delivery note number and customer the printer has been sent to.

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