Many stocked items require modifications by an external supplier e.g. shortening cables, anodising etc.

When part/s require modification, please follow the process below in SAP.

To send items to be modified:

  1. Go to Purchasing - AP > Purchase Order
  2. Select the supplier who will carry out the modifications in field 'Supplier'
  3. Select the required delivery date in 'Delivery Date'
  4. Change the Item/Service Type to 'Service'
  5. In 'Description' type in the details of the part and modifications to be made

  6. Choose the correct GL Account from the list below, based on the type of item being modified e.g. if part to be modified is for Zodiac Bracketry, choose GL code 500004. If part is for a Pegasus printer choose GL 500014 etc. 

  7. Enter the price of the modifications in 'Unit Price' (obtain the price from the supplier prior to raising the PO)
  8. Click on 'Add'
  9. When the part/s are being despatched to the supplier, a stock transfer should also be made. Go to Stock Management > Stock Transactions > Stock Transfer
  10. The 'From Warehouse' will default to 01 - this is the main warehouse. Unless stock is being sent from a different warehouse this field can be left unchanged.
  11. Change the Price List field to '00 Cost Price'
  12. Enter item code and quantity to be sent
  13. In the field 'To Warehouse' type in MOD (or pick this from the list)
  14. In 'Remarks' enter details of the purchase order number and the name of the supplier who is modifying the items.
  15. Click on 'Add'

  16. Update the PO 'Remarks' with details of the stock transfer number and click on 'Update'
  17. Print a copy of the PO to send to the supplier, along with the items to be modified.

To receive items in to stock which have been modified:

  1. Find the correct purchase order number relating to the modifications
  2. Copy the purchase order to 'G. Receipt PO' and click on 'Add'  NB. because the PO type = Service, no stock movements will be made. However the supplier invoice can be accurately received against the purchase order number.
  3. Now go to Stock Management > Stock Transactions > Stock Transfer
  4. Change the 'From Warehouse' to MOD (or pick this from the list)
  5. Change the Price List field to '00 Cost Price'
  6. Enter item code and quantity received
  7. In the field 'To Warehouse' type in 01 or pick this from the list (unless goods are being receipted to a different warehouse)
  8. In 'Remarks' enter details of the original purchase order number and the name of the supplier who has returned the modified items.
  9. Click on 'Add'
  10. Update the 'Remarks' in the original purchase order to show that the parts have been returned; detail the stock transfer number you have just made.

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