Should a prospect wish to receive a follow up as a result of a campaign, the Marketing team will assign an activity to the relevant SAP user to action. When this user logs in to SAP they will receive a notification in the Messages/Alerts window as below.

By clicking on the yellow activity number the user will drill directly to the activity assigned, this will contain the relevant details to action.

If a quotation or sales order is requested as a result of this follow up activity, please create as per the process described below:

1.) Find the relevant Sales Opportunity (this will be detailed in the activity as per above) Go to Sales Opportunities > Sales Opportunity. In find mode, type in the opportunity number from the activity.

2.) Go to the Stages tab and add a new row (right click on the last stage row and select Add Row)

3.) Enter the relevant details within the row (including closing date, sales person etc.)

4.) In the column Document Type, choose the correct document type you wish to create from the drop down list (e.g. Sales Quotation, Sales Order etc). Tick Show BPs Docs. In the Doc. No. field click on the 

(choose) icon to open the List of Sales Quotations/Orders window.

5.) In the List of Sales Quotations/Orders window you can either select an existing quote/order, or click New to create a new document. Choosing New will take you to the Sales Quotation or Sales Order screen (depending on which type of document you choose during the above step)

6.) In the Sales Quotation/Order screen, enter the relevant details as normal (items, quantity, pricing, PO etc) and click on Add

7.) Once the Sales Quotation/Order has been added, you will be returned to the original Sales Opportunity screen. Click Update.