To create a campaign in SAP Business One, you must have first defined the target group criteria which must be met and created the relevant target group within the application (e.g. end user or OEM, region/territory, industry type etc) and decided the items to be included and validity period for the campaign.


You must have authorisation to access the Campaign and Campaign Generation Wizard found in the Business Partners module within SAP Business One.

Process to create a target group:

In the example used here the criteria is: the target contact is an existing customer and active (i.e. has purchased goods from us within the last 12 months,) and they are End Users. This information was obtained through the standard reports in SAP Business One and exported to excel to create a list of target contacts, (saved as a .txt file with all headers removed.)

1.) In SAP Business One go to Business Partners > Campaign Generation Wizard

2.) Choose Next on the screen shown below

3.) Choose Create New Campaign and type in the campaign name and a description in Remarks

4.) Choose Next

5.) In the next screen define each of the following fields as shown in the screen below and then click Next

  • Campaign Name: is populated automatically based on the information created during stage 3
  • Campaign Type: choose the relevant campaign type from the drop down menu
  • Target Group: select the target group you have created for the specific campaign. Click here to see further information for creating a Target Group in SAP.
  • Owner: select the SAP user who will be responsible for the campaign specifics
  • Start Date: select the date the campaign will be active from
  • End Date: select the date that the campaign will run unti.
  • Items: select the items relevant to the campaign (if applicable)
  • Partners: select the Partners relevant to the campaign (if applicable)
  • Campaign Template: here you can attached an external document as a template for the campaign such as word, .html etc

4.) The next stage of the Campaign Generation Wizard displays information for each recipient of the campaign, based on the target group you previously defined. At this stage you can add/delete or amend individual details. You can also import an additional .txt file (headers must be removed) if required. However if no changes to the target group are required at this stage, simply click Next.

5.) Step 4 of the Campaign Generation Wizard gives various execution methods as shown below e.g. Save Campaign & Exit, Save Campaign & Execute - Send Email using Microsoft Office Outlook. Choose the appropriate option (in most cases this will be Save Campaign & Execute - Send Email using Microsoft Office Outlook) and click Next.

6.) The final stage of the Campaign Generation Wizard will display errors or warnings (if any) created during execution. At this stage you can Close and the Campaign will be saved, with an activity recorded against each of the BP's included in the target group to indicate that they were recipients.