The allocation can be removed only from the original allocating document. If you attempt to select batches that are allocated elsewhere an error message is displayed.

The following procedure enables you to allocate batches to a new document.


1.  Choose Stock Management > Item Management > Batches > Batch Details .

The Batch Details Window appears.

2.  Choose the relevant item.

3.  Right-click the Batch Details window and choose Batch Number Transactions Report.

The Batch Number Transactions Report window appears.

4.  In the Transactions for Batch table, choose the row containing the allocated item and click Link Arrow to the left of the item in the Document column.

Note The value in the Direction column must be Allocated.

The original allocating documents open.

5.  In the row containing the allocated item, click the icon in the Document column to open the originating document.

6.  Open the Batch Number Selection Window. Choose one of the following methods:

·  Before adding the document, in the Quantity field, press CTRL and TAB.

·  Before adding the document, right-click the Quantity field and choose the Batch/Serial Numbers option.

·  From the Goto menu, choose the Batch/Serial Numbers option.

7.  Remove the batch from the Selected Batches table.

8.  Open the new document, insert the item, and open the Batch Number Selection window to select the previously allocated batch.