You can assign batch numbers in the following documents or process:

·  Sales orders, A/R reserve invoices

For more information, see Assigning Batches in Sales Orders or A/R Reserve Invoices.

·  Stock transfer requests

For more information, see Assigning Batches in Inventory Transfer Requests.

·  Production orders

For more information, see Assigning Batches in Production Orders.

·  Assembly bills of material (BOMs)

For more information, see Assigning Batches in Assembly BOMs.

·  Draft documents

If you save a document as a draft, and batch numbers are created or selected in that document, these numbers are saved in the database as well. The numbers have no influence on the status of batch numbers (released, not accessible or locked).

o  You can save a draft document without creating or selecting batch numbers.

o  Saving batch numbers in a draft does not create allocations for these numbers and does not change their status. In other words, if such numbers are saved in a draft document, SAP Business One ignores that saved information in all other aspects of the system.

o  When you create a regular document from a draft, SAP Business One checks if there are any saved batches for the item that already exist in the system. If such numbers are found, SAP Business One does not add the document and displays an error message. You then need to reassign batch numbers for the relevant items in the document.

o  When you save a document as a draft, if serial or batch numbers were created or selected, these numbers are saved in the database. However, the serial or batch numbers are not used elsewhere in SAP Business One and are not allocated to the related document. When a regular document is created from the draft, you can select or create the serial or batch numbers as usual.

·  Pick and pack process

For more information, see Assigning Batches or Serials in Pick and Pack Process.