Use this tab to record general information about a phone call.

To access this window, choose Phone Call as the Activity in the Activity window.

General Tab Phone Call Fields




Enter a short description of the phone call.

Start Time

Enter the date and time of the start of the phone call. By default, the system date and time are displayed.

End Time

Enter the time for the conclusion of the phone call. By default, it is fifteen minutes past the start time of the activity.

Make sure to always enter a Start Time first. If you change the End Time to a time earlier than theStart Time, an error message will appear in an attempt to exit the field.


Displays the length of time the activity should take. If the duration is entered first, the end time is updated automatically.

To enter duration in hours, type the number of hours followed by the letter H.


Select the priority of the activity, either Normal, High, or Low.


Choose a location for the meeting from a predefined list of meeting locations.

Choose Define New to add locations.


Select to display a reminder in the Messages/Alert Overview window prior to the time planned for the phone call.

A Reminder can be entered in minutes or in hours. To enter duration in hours, type the number of hours followed by the letter H.

The reminder is received by the user according to the settings in the Administration module, System InitializationGeneral SettingsServices tab.


Select if this activity is no longer relevant.

This deletes the activity from your calendar,; however it could still be updated.


Select if this activity has been completed.

A Closed activity cannot be reopened or modified.

Follow Up

Choose to open a follow up activity.

Note that you can open a follow-up activity only after adding the current activity.